Building a Resilient Workplace Through Emotional Understanding

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In the dynamic work culture of today, fostering a resilient workplace gets beyond the traditional perception of encouraging high productivity and efficiency. Companies need to resilience through developing emotional understanding with the employees. It means to understand the needs and experiences of the employees within your workplace.

Workplace ethics plays a crucial role in making the work environment healthy and encouraging productivity. Therefore, this article will deeply discuss on the importance of workplace ethics to build resilience and emotional understanding in corporate operations.

What Is Ethics At the Workplace?

The word ethics directly comes from the Greek dictionary with the inherent meaning of forming customs, dispositions, habits or character. If you ask what is workplace ethics then it will lead you to the set of values or principles that often pave the professional roadway of an organisation and its employees.

Workplace ethics, therefore, denotes the moral values that continuously guide the decisions or behaviours of individuals in their workplace. Ethics at the workplace are those emotional pointers that are shaped partly by societal norms and partly by the individual’s perspective on those norms. The synchronisation of these emotional principles thus is important for an organisation to run with integrity in the long run.

Why is Maintaining Ethics Important in the Workplace?

The ethical approach of an organisation improves emotional understanding by building trust, improving employee satisfaction and increasing collaboration between the employer and the employee. This happens only when the organisation and its employee’s understanding of values meet at the same point.

  • If the employer does not take proactive measures to practice ethics in the workplace, slowly the employees will lose faith in the ethical integrity of the organisation. The result will be more subsequent unethical practices from the employees as well, which will eventually destroy the healthy work culture of the organisation.
  • Organizations need to have a set of rules or pathways to follow ethical practices. This will help the employer to set an example in front of the employees. Employees too will then value their workplace and get emotionally connected with the organisation. This emotional understanding has massive benefits for corporates.

What Benefits Can Corporates Get Through Emotional Understanding?

Emotional connection between the employer and employee improves overall work productivity through increasing dedication and motivation. Here are the other benefits that organisations can get through practising emotional understanding;

  • Improves Trust and Collaboration

Workplace ethics informational practices increase trust among employees in their leader. A leader who follows ethical norms gets more emotionally connected with his/her followers. Such a leader can influence the followers profoundly and nurture a collaborative field of continuous success.

  • Makes It Easier to Recruit and Retain Employees

Employees who witness that their emotions and values are being appreciated in their workplace feel a sense of pride for their workplace. This increases work satisfaction and improves their commitment to the company. With such a good reputation it becomes easier for the company to recruit and retain employees continuously.

  • Helps in Avoiding Legal Troubles

The most beneficial part of practising workplace ethics is that it minimises legal compliance. The practice of emotional understanding among employees rules out the grounds of harassment, discrimination, and other hostile behaviours. Ethical regulations of the organisation on the other hand prevent illegal practices like corruption and bribery. All these directly secure the organisation from falling into legal issues.

  • Attacks Customers Who Value Ethics

Modern-day consumers are more knowledgeable. They want to be connected with organisations that practice ethics in their regular operations. They prefer transparency and words of commitment and are attracted to organisations that deliver that. On the other hand, ethically sound companies are likely to treat their customers fairly, which leads to customer retention and fresh customers through direct referrals.

Examples of Ethical Understanding At the Workplace

After understanding the importance of workplace ethics in building the reputation of a company, let us discover the effective ways to perform them. Below are the examples of ethical behaviours that corporates need to practice;

  • Transparency

Companies need to be transparent in their operations, especially in financial factors. Regular reporting of financial statements to stakeholders, clearing out payments of employees on time and communicating immediately about any delay can help them develop transparency.

Financial statements by an independent auditor, clear accounting policies, equal distribution of bonuses, and occasional disclosure of company investments or debts help the company to be transparent in front of the employees, stakeholders, and a greater audience. Clear reporting on the company’s measures against corruption and bribery also improves its ethical demeanour.

  • Accountability

Companies can practice accountability by owning up to any mistakes without providing excuses. With regular performance checks, the employer can hold the management accountable for achieving goals or failing in them. An organisation can practice accountability by promoting equal value to the decisions of all board members.

The practice of whistleblower policy among employees by anonymously reporting fraudulent activities can easily help the employer to mark the accountable person or section of the company for unethical practices. This is because, in an ethical workplace, people not only hold themselves accountable for any achievement but also for their own and other’s inappropriate behaviours.

  • Communication

Promoting fruitful communication among employees as well as with management is the best practice to develop an ethical workplace. If an employee feels insecure or demotivated due to the unethical behaviour of a colleague or even the leader, the company should take measures to address such problems.

Ethics hotlines, anonymous reporting, and direct reporting to the management can heighten the scope of communication to mitigate such issues. Clear communication on the performance appraisal, incentives, and bonuses to employees resolves their suspicions of partiality.


To conclude, it can be said that the importance of workplace ethics is undeniable in blurring the line between written codes of ethics and their actual maintenance in the regular operations of a company. Practising ethical measures through maintaining transparency, accountability and clear communication helps the organisation to stand upright with full resilience against legal, financial, and moral objections.

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One clear point that peeps through the above discussion is that financial transparency and accountability greatly benefit companies to ethically stand strong in front of their customers, employees and stakeholders. To ensure your business stays ethically appreciable, therefore, instil measures of transparent and automated tax filing, GST billing, and invoice making with CaptainBiz.


  • What are workplace ethics?

Workplace ethics are the moral values that guide the entire organisation, its employees, and their operations ethically. These values are societal norms, the company’s adaptation to those norms, and the individual’s perspective of following them.

  • What is the definition of a good work ethic?

A good work ethics mean that a company is practising optimum ethical demeanour. They can do it through developing emotional understanding, accountability, integrity, transparency, effective communication, etc. This massively boosts the morale and work productivity of the entire company.

  • What are the three types of work ethics?

The three main types of work ethics are metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Metaethics are the preset values whereas normative ethics are principles based on those preset values. And applied ethics are actual regular practices inspired by those principles.

  • Why building resilience is the top skill for employees?

It is one of the best strategies to tackle the stress in the workplace. Plus, in the workplace, resilience can help to a great extent to cope with workplace conflicts. This way, it boosts productivity within the organisation.

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