Place of Supply for Professional Consulting and Technical Services

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Understanding how taxes work can be tricky, especially with the IGST Act. This law deals with where goods and services are supplied under GST in India.

GST is like a silent player from the start of making something to when someone buys it. It’s not just a tax; it’s a well-thought-out plan for how money moves around. GST, or Goods and Service Tax, is like the director of this money movement play.

GST gives a thumbs-up to getting back some of the taxes paid during production. This tax system has different rates, ranging from 0% to 28%. The rate depends on what kind of product or service we consume, making it a flexible tax system.

What is the Place of Supply?

Now, let’s talk about the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and a crucial concept called “place of supply.” This is like a compass, pointing to where a transaction is considered to happen. It’s important because it decides which tax jurisdiction gets to tax the exchange between entities. The rules about the place of supply in GST depend on different factors. Things like what’s being bought or sold, where the seller is, and where the buyer decides the tax rate.

For businesses, it’s essential to learn this concept. Understanding the place of supply helps businesses figure out their taxes. If businesses get this wrong, it can lead to legal problems. Get it right, and your business navigates the tax landscape, avoiding legal missteps. 

GST on Professional Services

The GST Council is a constitutional body overseeing taxes. They have set the rates for legal, accounting, and professional services. These services can have 5%, 12%, 18%, or 28% GST rates. The rate depends on the SAC code, a system made by the Service Tax Department. We will dive into SAC codes and GST rates in India for professional services. If you’re a professional covered by GST, you must get GST Registration.

What is SAC?

The term “SAC” stands for Servicing Accounting Code. In India, the service tax department created SAC Codes to categorize services. The GST Council used the SAC code system to apply GST (Goods and Service Tax) in India.

Using SAC codes ensures a standardized way to identify and categorize various services. This systematic approach simplifies the taxation process. It helps in maintaining clarity for both taxpayers and authorities.

SAC Code and GST Rate on Professional Services

Particulars SAC Code GST Rate
Interior, fashion, industrial, and other specialized design services are available. 998391 18%
Original designs 998392 18%
Services for scientific and technical consulting 998393 18%
Original fact/information compilations 998394 18%
Services for translation and interpretation 998395 18%
Franchises and trademarks 998396 18%
Services for Sponsorship and Brand Promotion 998397 18%
Other specialists, technical and business services 998398 18%

Also Read: SAC Code and GST Rate for Recruitment and HR Services

Place of Supply for Consultancy Services

When dealing with Goods and Services Tax (GST), figuring out where things happen, called “place of supply,” is essential. It matters a lot, especially when it comes to consultancy services. Different countries, like the USA and India, have GST rules, and they need to know exactly where people use services for tax reasons.

In consultancy services and GST, the place of supply is where the person getting the service is located. This is to make sure taxes are put where the good stuff happens, following the main rule of GST.

But, things get tricky when dealing with services that cross borders, like international consultancy. The rules for GST must consider the kind of consultancy and any tax agreements between countries.

Consultancy companies need to know what the GST rules say about the place of supply. Getting this right is super important for doing taxes correctly, making reports, and following all the rules. Companies should monitor how the GST rules change and get professional advice to stay on top of things.

Also Read: Place Of Supply For Services: Definition And Regulatory Framework

Technical Services and GST

Understanding where to apply Goods and Services Tax (GST) is like solving a puzzle, especially involving technical services. When it comes to these services, figuring out where to tax them is crucial for a fair and compliant system.

So, in the GST world, the rule is simple for technical services – tax them where the person getting the service is located. This rule follows the basic idea of GST, where taxes are put where the services are used. It’s all about making sure the taxes reach the right destination.

But when discussing services crossing borders, things get tricky. There are special rules in the GST handbook to handle these situations, considering things like the type of technical service and any tax agreements between countries.

Knowing how GST affects where they must pay taxes is super important for companies dealing with technical services. Getting this right is critical to correctly reporting taxes and following all the rules. Keeping an eye on the ever-changing GST rules and asking experts for advice is a smart move for companies working with technical services under GST.

In short, understanding where to apply GST is crucial for businesses to fit into the tax system smoothly. This clarity is like a guiding light, helping them through the rules for cross-border transactions and the ins and outs of technical services.

Also Read: What Are The GST Rates For Services?

Location of Services Reception and Place of Supply

Navigating the intricacies of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Model Law requires a nuanced understanding of the Location of the Recipient and the Location of the Supplier of Service. Let’s delve into the definitions and implications outlined in the GST Model Law to demystify these critical concepts.

Decoding the Location of Recipient of Service.

In Section 2(64) of the GST tax, the ‘Location of Recipient of Service’ is meticulously defined, encompassing various scenarios:

  1. Business Premises Registration: If a supply is received at a registered place of business, the location is determined by the registered place of business.
  2. Fixed Establishment Elsewhere: For supplies received at a place other than the registered business premises, known as a fixed establishment elsewhere, the location is identified based on the fixed Establishment.
  3. Multiple Establishments: In cases of supply received at more than one Establishment, the location is determined by the Establishment most directly involved in the supply.
  4. Usual Place of Residence: In the absence of the above, the location defaults to the usual place of residence of the recipient.

Rule 2(i) of the Place of Provision Rules, 2012, adds further clarity:

  • For recipients with a single registration, the location is the premises for which registration has been obtained.
  • For those without centralized registration, the location is determined by the business establishment, fixed Establishment, or the usual place of residence.

Taxation of Services Provided Abroad

In international deals, figuring out where things should be taxed can be a puzzle. Regarding global transactions, the rules for where to apply taxes are more complex than they are for local deals. They depend on what kind of deal it is and which countries are involved. Getting the place of supply right is crucial because it decides which tax rules apply. This matters significantly for the person selling products or services and the one buying.

Critical Considerations for Place of Supply in International Transactions

1. Place of Supply for Goods: Navigating Delivery Points

The general principle for goods establishes the place of supply as the location where the goods are delivered or accessible to the recipient. However, exceptions exist, especially concerning goods installed or assembled on-site or those supplied on board a ship or aircraft.

2. Place of Supply for Services: A Recipient-Centric Approach

For services, the place of supply is typically where the recipient is based. Exceptions arise in services tied to immovable property or events in a specific location.

3. Deciphering the Recipient’s Location: A Complex Endeavor

Establishing the recipient’s location becomes pivotal in determining the place of supply for services. The complexity heightens in international transactions where the recipient may have multiple locations or lack a fixed place of business. Factors like the billing address or the services’ actual use/enjoyment location become crucial.

4. Documentation Protocols: Safeguarding Compliance

Maintaining meticulous documentation emerges as a cornerstone in international transactions. Comprehensive records must be in place, including invoices, contracts, and evidence of delivery or service utilization. A failure in proper documentation can lead to compliance issues or disputes with tax authorities.

Compliance requirements for professional services

In the intricate landscape of GST, meticulous adherence to place of supply rules is paramount for businesses aiming to avoid penalties and legal entanglements. The GST law stipulates accurately determining the place of supply as a prerequisite for assessing the correct tax liability. Non-compliance with these rules attracts substantial fines and can initiate legal proceedings. Thus, a profound comprehension of the place of supply rules is imperative for businesses committed to ensuring compliance.

Insights into Place of Supply Compliance under GST

  • Deciphering the Laws

A fundamental step in ensuring compliance is a profound understanding of the place of supply rules under GST. The nuances of these rules hinge on the nature of the supply—be it goods or services—and whether the transaction unfolds within a state or spans across states. Businesses, therefore, must grasp these rules intricately to guarantee adherence.

  • Paper Trail Precision

A robust compliance strategy involves meticulous documentation. Businesses must maintain a comprehensive record encompassing invoices, shipping documents, and related paperwork. This documentation serves as a compass for accurately determining the place of supply. Moreover, it fortifies businesses’ ability to substantiate compliance during audits.

  • Leveraging Technology’s Edge

Embracing technology emerges as a pivotal tool in the accurate place of supply determination. Software applications can streamline the process by swiftly computing GST rates and establishing the place of supply based on transaction particulars. This saves time and mitigates the risk of errors inherent in manual calculations.

  • Professional Guidance

Navigating the intricacies of the place of supply rules can be daunting. Seeking assistance from tax professionals proves invaluable. Tax experts possess the understanding to unravel complexities, offering guidance that steers businesses away from penalties and legal dilemmas.


Understanding India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) is crucial for businesses. Beyond being a mere tax, GST is the director guiding financial dynamics in the production and consumption cycle. The concept of a place of supply is a vital compass, aiding businesses in determining the appropriate tax jurisdiction.

Business compliance is paramount, given substantial fines for non-compliance. This involves a profound grasp of rules, meticulous documentation, leveraging technology, and seeking professional guidance. Proactive adherence allows businesses to navigate GST complexities seamlessly, steering clear of legal entanglements. Businesses must prioritize staying informed and compliant to ensure a smooth and lawful operation within the GST framework.


  • Can companies change the place of supply after completing a transaction?

No, altering the place of supply is impossible once a transaction is complete. It would help if you determined it beforehand.

  • How does the place of supply impact the calculation of input tax credit?

The evaluation of the place of supply determines eligibility for input tax credit. It assesses the GST paid on goods and services used for business operations.

  • Can the place of supply differ for intra-state and inter-state transactions?

Yes, the place of supply can vary. The two types are intra-state and inter-state transactions under GST. The rules for determining the place of supply depend on the transaction’s nature.

  • How does the place of supply influence GST computation and payments?

GST computation and payments are linked to the place of supply. It establishes the taxation jurisdiction and determines the applicable GST rate.

  • Are there specific rules to follow when offering international professional services?

Yes, providing services abroad requires following rules for cross-border transactions. This includes proper documentation and understanding of the tax implications. The origin of the transaction also plays an important role.

  • How can businesses adapt to changing trends in GST for professional services?

Businesses can stay ahead by checking for new laws, engaging in industry discussions, and investing in ongoing education for their teams. This can help to ensure they adapt to changes on time.

  • How do case studies help understand challenges related to GST in professional services?

Case studies give real-life examples, providing insights into practical challenges faced by businesses. It also offers valuable lessons that can guide others facing similar situations.

  • Why is it essential to determine the place of supply for professional services?

Knowing the place of supply is vital for every business and individual. It helps to determine accurate tax calculations, ensuring businesses follow GST regulations.

  • How can small and medium-sized businesses overcome challenges in GST compliance?

SMEs can use specific strategies, stay updated on law changes, and focus on sustainable growth. This will help them to manage challenges related to GST compliance.

  • What factors influence the determination of the place of supply?

Factors like the type of service, where the service occurs, and the nature of the transaction play a crucial role in deciding the place of supply.

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