How Do I Generate an E-Waybill for Job Work?

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Job work forms a ubiquitous industry practice, enabling enterprises to optimize their core competencies by leveraging external partner expertise. However, when such outsourcing engagements warrant inter-state goods movement, corresponding e-way bill documentation becomes imperative.

This article aims to serve as a step-by-step guide explaining key procedures, party obligations, and management aspects around e-way bill creation, reconciliation, and compliance for job work transactions.

Job Work E-Waybill Generation Process

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Understanding Job Work Transactions

Let’s first appreciate the basics governing job-related operations:

  • It covers the transfer of ownership of goods for the execution of a process by an external party.
  • Completion processes can cover manufacturing, testing, calibration, packaging, etc.
  • Goods movement can be inter-state or intra-state.

Prerequisite Compliance

Certain pre-steps help structure e-way bill creation:

  • Job Contract: Clear roles, SLAs, and considerations governing outsourcing transactions
  • Material Transfer: Ensure diligent delivery challans and invoices covering detailed item-level specifications.
  • Registration Check: Confirm the job worker has a valid GSTIN registration.

The aforementioned aspects lay the groundwork for compliance. Now let’s analyze documentation formalities.

Generation Responsibility

  • Principle: Creates an e-way bill for sending or receiving goods from job workers, except when…
  • Registered Job Worker: Causes return dispatch of processed goods by generating outward supply e-way bills

We will analyze detailed party-wise obligations subsequently. First, let’s walk through the procedural steps.

Key Steps: Sending Goods for Job Work

  • Principal issues serially numbered delivery Challan in triplicates
  • Goods dispatched along with challan copies mentioning item or trade details
  • The principal accesses the portal before transit to fill out Part A based on challan specifications.
  • On submission, a unique 12-digit reference number is generated.
  • The transporter carries a signed printout for verification in transit.

Thus, from a documentation standpoint, the responsibility matrix seems well demarcated, aiding discipline.

Now let’s analyze specific scenarios where procedural variations apply.

Also Read: E-waybill Generation Process: Step-by-Step Guide

Steps for Creating an E-Waybill in Job Work

While basic responsibility holds the principal accountable for e-way bill issuance, last-mile dynamics around goods dispatch or receipt by unregistered job workers warrant additional diligence.

Let’s assess some key scenarios:

  1. Third-party procurement

Business practices around optimizing costs, ensuring continuity, and smoothing the flow of operations involve enterprises adopting measures like direct dispatch of certain procured items from their vendors to external parties undertaking further processing activities through outsourced job work arrangements.

For example, a pharmacy firm manufacturing medicinal syrups may instruct the vendor supplying glass bottles to directly dispatch part consignments to the labeling unit for affixing content volume, warnings, etc. before finished goods roll out.

In such cases where goods ownership stands with the principal pharmacy firm but directly transits from supplier to job worker premises, the concept of ‘Bill-to-Ship to’ documentation comes into play from an invoice standpoint.

Here, the supplier needs to issue an invoice capturing the pharmacy firm’s identity as the ‘Bill to’ party and the job worker’s premises as the actual shipment receiving entity or ‘Ship to’ party. Based on the ‘Bill-to-Ship-to’ invoice raised, the vendor is also required to generate a corresponding outward supply e-way bill for the injection molding item consignment transfer.

Alongside, the principal pharmacy firm also needs to additionally prepare a delivery challan that refers to the vendor’s invoice number or date and generate a separate e-way bill where the supplier’s GSTIN gets mentioned under the declaration “Under job work challan from such and such vendor” to complete end-to-end tracking records. 

  1. Goods Dispatch by an Unregistered Job Worker

A possibility can arise where, after completing intermediate packaging processes, labels and packed medicine bottles are ready to be dispatched from job worker premises back to the principal pharmaceutical factory for final aggregation prior to logistics.

Now if the labeling job worker entity is not registered under GST, generating an outward supply invoice and e-way bill would not be possible from their end directly before handing over finished goods.

For such reverse transfers where movement gets initiated from an unregistered job worker’s premises, documentation responsibility comprises:

  • The principal generates an e-way bill based on the original delivery challan details furnished while transferring input materials earlier. Here, the system allows capturing job worker identity and premises as the goods dispatching trade party in e-way bill Part-A.
  • Additionally, the engaged transporter directly picks up processed materials from unregistered job workers and also has the option to generate e-way bills by classifying the job worker as the consignor and the principal’s factory premises as the destination assignee, capturing all relevant movement and item-level particulars.
  1. E-Way Bill by a Registered Job Worker

Further in our illustration, as part of the ancillary product mix expansion strategy, if the pharmaceutical firm wishes to also introduce an imported ointment range in India, leveraging its established local distribution footprint through proprietor retail channels, an overseas OEM enters a contract manufacturing arrangement with the same packaging job worker for the requisite labeling and overprinting work, given their alliance comfort with the process’s maturity by now.

In such scenarios, upon completion of commercial production schedules, when labeled ointment shipments initiate movement from registered job workers’ premises to distributor warehouses directly to optimize logistics, standard B2B outward supply documentation compliance would apply, warranting:

  • Packaging job worker to issue an tax invoice against consideration agreed with foreign OEM towards relevant batch processing and labeling works executed on their (OEM’s) goods
  • Corresponding e-way bills also need generation by job workers classifying relevant fields like ‘Bill from’ as their own identity and declaring foreign OEMs under’sold to’ or’supply on behalf of’ consignee fields available in the system as prescribed.

Upon invoice reconciliation, agreed-upon job charges get remitted directly to their accounts by the OEM through banking channels.

Thus, specific terms around supply contracts, commercial ownership, registration statuses, etc. may necessitate customized e-way bill generation by varying stakeholders associated with the job supply chain. 

Thus, based on registration status, supply agreements, and movement logistics, documentation can encompass a combination of invoices, challans, and e-way bills by varying stakeholders.

If you want to know the role of e-way bill admins and subusers, then click on this blog link by Captainbiz.

E-Waybill Generation Guide for Job Work

captainbiz e waybill generation guide for job work

For unverified taxpayers, portal nuances can get overwhelming, obscuring basic compliance adherence. Let’s get oriented about key aspects:

  1. State Code Fields

For taxpayers newly attempting e-way bill portal navigation for job work supply requirements, seemingly regular fields like state codes may create confusion regarding what value to capture, especially when dealing with inter-state transactions.

For example, in dispatch or ship-to address fields, whether a job worker’s state gets captured or the principal’s registration state needs reconciling, Or while entering commercial invoice GSTIN, cross-verify with the principal’s state code if those get pre-populated based on system GSTIN history.

Observing how system key mappings shape other field entries reduces the latent risk of rejection and returning error notifications due to inadvertent data conflicts. 

  1. Tax Liability Flags

Another key reconcile point is whether the transaction in question attracts tax implications, in turn triggering allied requirements like invoices, enabling input credit availment, etc.

Certain ancillary types of outsourced activities may qualify as exempted valuations warranting notification analysis.

Hence, carefully evaluating the tax liability indicator flag, whether shown as ‘Y’ or ‘N’ guides accurate procedure application around delivery note types (challan or invoice) followed by corresponding e-way bill creation. thereby avoiding iterations due to incorrect process adoptions. 

  1. Transporter Consolidation

For large enterprises dealing with continuous, significant volumes of goods getting transported daily across multiple locations, including for job work, a prudent aspect is proactively registering preferred logistics partners as saved transport profiles if envisaging extensive engagement for ease.

On the e-way bill portal, later, while capturing movement particulars, the system allows reconciliation of pre-saved transporter lists, avoiding the need for repetitive manual additions with every dispatch.

The quick assign option also facilitates end-to-end trail visibility by integrating TIN, vehicle subtype selections, and other recall preferences, improving accuracy. 

  1. Report Utilization

For diligent stakeholders seeking visibility around goods movement life cycles, running key reports around aspects like goods reach confirmation, vehicle number modification logs, etc. at desired intervals also helps.

For example, summary analysis highlighting statuses like ‘delivered’, ‘part-B pending’ or ‘extended’ etc. provides indicators allowing proactive outreach seeking pending information, preventing good receipt blocks at destination. 

Thus, basic portal navigation understanding aids business applications and exact policy interpretations, facilitating procedural discipline.

Job Work Documentation: E-Waybill Procedures

E-way bill integration warrants synchronizing movement particulars across partner documents:

Document E-Way Bill Relevance
Delivery Challan Basis for e-way bill fields like item details, quantity, etc.
E-Way Bill Generated based on the challan specifications mentioned earlier. 
Goods Receipt Note The transporter takes the receiver’s acknowledgement on a copy of the challan.
Job Work Invoice For registered job workers, value and financials are reconciled.

Thus, we note that the e-way bill does not function in isolation but pulls necessary linkage with additional paperwork spanning job work transactions.

Creating an E-Waybill for Job Work Compliance

captainbiz creating an e waybill for job work compliance

While companies focus on smoothing operations, staying compliant remains elementary.

Key applicable laws include:

  • Section 143 of the CGST Act 2017 governs job-related input movement.
  • The second provision to Rule 138(1) and 138(2) mandates e-way bill compliance for job work.
  • Rule 45 and 55, CGST Rules: enforce the issuance of serially numbered delivery challans and corresponding e-way bill generation.

An interplay of these provisions drives compliance, stipulating documentation prerequisites prior to initiating goods transfers for processing activities outsourced outside state jurisdiction.

Also Read: E-Way Bill For Job Work: Understanding The Compliance Requirements

Job Work Transactions: E-Waybill Generation Steps

Varied outsourcing terms, supply models, or market behaviors necessitate customized e-way bill generation requirements aligning with transaction nature.

  1. Third-party exports

Where an Indian entity acts as a supporting manufacturer for goods exported by a foreign principal involving intermediate pre-export processing like labeling or packaging by domestic workers, corresponding inter-state movement-related e-way bills become necessary.

  1. SEZ Procurement

For inputs imported by SEZ units, e-way bill generation warrants upon DTA clearances, and sales billing finally for finished goods clearing taxable territory thresholds based on consumption form.

  1. Warehousing

In scenarios where centralized warehousing also doubles up as bolted job work space for ancillary processing activities by units, corresponding e-way bills at outward movement to such warehouses need generation.

Thus, based on intrinsic supply attributes specific to transaction type, documenting goods dispatch or receipt through diligent e-way bills remains vital.

Also Read: Types Of Transactions Requiring E-Waybill: Inter-State And Intra-State Movements


Therefore, we see that as inter-state trade expansions take effect, smoothing operations through outsourcing engagements, the e-way bill continues to form an important linkage between goods movement and tax administrators, providing visibility around the goods trail and preventing lapses.

However, while acting as an enabler towards systemic compliance, tax authorities also strive towards improving ease by introducing aspects like consolidated EWBs, SMS-based bulk generation facilities, and simplifying validity extension provisions with effective dates nearing closure.

Thereby, balance trade growth aspirations with governance principles for long-term harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if the transporter initiates goods transfer before the 72-hour Part-A to Part-B reconciliation period lapses in the case of job-related e-way bills?

The ideal recommendation is to generate a consolidated e-way bill combining Part-A entries spanning the overall journey period. If feasible, hold goods and modify transport schedules to align with compliance timelines. In exceptional cases, the concerned officer’s discretion for extensions applies on merit. But data entry variations can attract penalties.

  • Who provides transport documents if imported goods shipments sent for third-party exports related to labeling and packaging job work move into containers Lorry-Rail-Lorry to reach the factory?

For such multi-modal movements, carriers issue corresponding documentation like a truck receipt, a railway receipt, etc. These need appropriate reconciliation by successive transporters in Part B of e-way bills for the shipment leg handled by them along with vehicle details.

  • If terms include a foreign buyer directly procuring customs clearances and taking delivery decisions, who gets liable for non-compliance in case of a missing e-way bill—the exporter or such overseas customer?

The obligation continues to rest with the Indian exporter shown on record, effecting the physical goods movement, unless contract clauses specify transfer of liability in scenarios warranting forex realization delays or non-receipt of export proceeds through banking channels due to documentation issues like insufficient invoices or papers.

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