Reformed GST Return System: Changes and Consequences

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The GST return filing system in India has witnessed major transitions over the years. But starting the year 2025, starting from January, the scenario and its procedures will dramatically alter. These modifications are part of the broad strategy by the Indian government to improve tax payers’ adherence towards tax authorities, lower return filing completion inaccuracies and promote transparency of various aspects in the tax landscape.

On the other hand, the makes it easy for businesses to adopt new trends regarding Ostragon entire GST Return Filing system. Furthermore, a new citizen-oriented service with advanced technology aimed at helping taxpayers file is developed. Fulfilling this goal will make it easier for organizations to grasp and complete return submissions. The aim of return streamlining, which the Government seeks to achieve with this goal, should be attainable.

The striking features of the new system would include significant pre-filling, where certain cells will automatically be completed for the taxpayer based on previously filed cells. So as to bring down the amount of human errors Generate in the existing system. Further, verification of information put in by businesses is done in real time. And so enable businesses to correct errors before sending in the information.

Taking this further, the government will now have a real time monitoring system with the new GST filing system that will send an alert to businesses as soon as the returns filed have missing documents or raise inconsistencies within them. This likely proactive approach is expected to motivate the businesses to keep documentation and timely return filing as they will have little to no chances of getting penalised for late submission.

The executives would want to adapt single management systems but they are however, limited by the financial resources they have. The government is also looking at enhancing more transparency by making available different datasets to the public. These could be aggregates such as the amount of GST collected in a specific period or Information on aggregate sector performance enabling industries to measure their actual performance against the same industry standards

However expert opinions suggest that the transition phase may be tough for businesses especially the smaller ones, entrepreneurs will grow accustomed to the processes of these systems, whereas the end result will be quicker, easier and much cheaper for businesses. In any case, this transition is planned to last at most two months and in fact acceleration is expected thereafter due to the smaller changes needed for the new system, with smaller places benefiting from fewer applications being required from them. .


The GST return filing system has gone through various improvements since its establishment in the year 2017, such as, the introduction of the avowed system which has three main goals. These three goals include: compliance enhancement, error reduction, and increased transparency and accountability.

Optimizing the return filing process should be regarded as an important factor in ensuring that the taxpayers voluntarily comply. There are several means to this end, for instance, through the use of simplified interfaces accompanied with walkthroughs, the difficulty associated with filing tax returns can be alleviated. In addition to that, offering educational resources and workshops will enable taxpayers to know the regulations and comply with them.

The second goal, reducing the manual errors committed with the filing of tax returns can only be achieved by incorporating auto-population features that facilitate the filing of such returns. Such a feature will pull relevant and necessary facts from prior returns of filing tax returns or previous data to reduce human error significantly. In addition, instituting rigorous validation check mechanisms across various stages of the filing processes can assist to flag potential or actual discrepancies and missing information that users can amend before the return is lodged. 

Reducing the chances of manual error is also possible with the inclusion of automatic-population features. Such features allow the pulling of essential and relevant information from past tax filings or databases and thus greatly minimizing human error. In addition, instituting rigorous validation check mechanisms across various stages of the filing processes can assist to flag potential or actual discrepancies and missing information that users can amend before the return is lodged.

Changes in GST Return Filing

The main changes introduced are as follows:

The Indian tax return system of Goods and Service Tax is now revised to enhance the level of compliance, reduce errors and enhance the level of transparency. The following changes were made:

  • Reporting of High-Value Transactions: The reporting of high value transactions must be performed by taxpayers for better traceability and reduced errors. This policy change seeks to enhance compliance and reduce discrepancies .
  • Enforceable Validation of Bank Accounts: Every taxpayer is required to authenticate his bank account before submitting GSTR-1. This measure also avoids errors and allows to fill forms smoothly.
  • Reporting of Negative Liabilities: A taxpayer who has negative liability will report it and is guaranteed that it will be carried to the next month’s return. This helps in reducing manual tracking and committing errors.
  • Reduction of the Financial Limit for Outward Supplies Taxable in other States: The limit put on reporting on an invoice has reduced from 2.5 lakhs to 1 lakh. This intervention aids in increasing transaction detail and hence provides better transactions pictures.
  • Introduction of RCM- Reverse Charge Mechanism for Renting out Commercial Property: It will now include unregistered persons renting out commercial properties to registered persons. The main objective is to curb revenue losses and adherence to tax. To be specific RCM is applied in a situation where a registered person rents out commercial immovable properties like business offices, shops, warehouses, and malls to an unregistered person.

The GST Council has further gone ahead and explained that the rental of commercial properties; the above rent limit does not exist concerning RCM. This means that even small-scale rentals are subjected to RCM.These measures, it is anticipated, will ease the process of filing GST returns, lower downsizing mistakes and instill greater transparency in the tax practitioner industry. 

Benefits of the New System

Benefits to Tax Payers under the GST Regime.

1. Lower Compliance Burden Tax

Taxpayers are expected to benefit most from the Goods and Services Tax (GST) imposed by the Australian Government, in that, the level of compliance costs has been substantially lowered. This is based on few pronounced considerations that include:

  • Simplified Return Forms: Under the goods and services tax (GST) system, to further streamline the process, one return form, GST-RET 1 was implemented which replaced multiple forms used before the inherent indirect system carrying several forms. This form of simplification also brings about a reduction in the level of complexities while filing returns thus decreasing chances of errors occurring during filing.
  • Auto-Population: Information is automatically created through information retrieval from GSTR-1 (the returns that give details of outward supplies) and the GSTR-2 (furnishing Returns that provide information on services that were consumed from other people), as a result, there is minimal manual data entry. You will find that it also cuts down on time and makes the job better.
  • Lesser Time on Documentation: Because of fewer manual efforts, taxpayers also stand to benefit because they will obviously document less, and spend more time on the business endeavor which means an increased level of efficiency and growth in their undertaking.
  • Making Return Forms Easy: Taxpayers are less likely to spend their time on paperwork but are able to complete and file their returns in a short period and with a minimum degree of compliance burden indeed.

2. Enhanced Certainty

This is the resultant effect of the registered GST regime that the accuracy of lodgement is bettered as follows :

  • Hard-Locking: Returns, once filed with the authority, become unequivocally final and cannot be subject to last minute alterations, thus constant reminders that returns need be submitted in the correct manner.
  • Auto-Population: Returning to the earlier comment, the GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 data is populated by the system, and the errors caused by manual data input are thus eliminated.
  • Accurate Returns: Hard locking coupled with automatic population ensures that the returns filed by taxpayers are accurate, thereby reducing instances of incurring penalties and interest charges.
  • Reduced Discrepancies: The discrepancy of regarding what return a taxpayer has filed or has in records with the revenue authority is considerably reduced fostering ease of agricultural assessment and audits.

3. Greater Cash Flow

  • Taxpayers have also reaped a benefit with regard to cash flows owing to the introduction of the GST regime :
  • Real-time Visibility: This is because of the GST portal whereby taxpayers can see all their collected and payable taxes on real time basis, this allows them to make proper financial decisions.
  • Better Financial Decision Making: Taxable credits and liabilities being visible on real time empowers and enhances tax planning on working capital more effectively.
  • Efficient Cash Flow Management: Data that is accurate and available in time gives taxpayers ample chances to anticipate and manage their cash flows in a better way and thus minimizing the threat of liquidity crises.

To conclude, the introduction of GST has worked greatly for the taxpayers as their compliance burden has been lessened, the tax returns have been accurate and timely, and the management of cash flows is enhanced. These factors have created a conducive environment for business operations in India and have been beneficial for the development of the economy as a whole.

Advantages to the Government under the GST Regime 

1. Increased Revenue 

One of the basic goals of introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime was to increase the revenue for the government. This was made possible through a few measures: 

  • Revenue Leakage Minimization: The simplified return forms coupled with automated data entry and retrieval features have lowered the chances of errors and variances in taxpayers’ returns as many revenue shortages have been reduced. 
  • Strong Compliance: Under the GST regime, compliance among taxpape RS increased owing to the transparency and understandable nature of the system which has resulted in a heightened tax collection. 
  • Tax-to-GDP Ratio’s Improvement: The revenue collection that has been enhanced has been able to translate to an improvement in the tax-to-GDP ratio which is an indication of increasing dependence on the taxation as from the government side. 
  • Revenue’s Efficient Management: The processes which were made automated and easy have made the tax administration to be effective thus making sure that most taxpayers stay compliant to their tax obligations. 

2. Improved Decision-Making Statistics. 

The introduction of the GST regime has provided the government with information that is easily usable and helpful for the better performance of the economy: 

  • Efficient Monitoring: owing to the efficiency of the GST portal, real-time information on tax collections, rates of compliance, and others is available, this allows policy decisions to be implemented with facts backing them.
  • Tracking Economic Growth: Thanks to the information gathered under the GST system, economic patterns and development of different economic areas may be monitored and evaluated.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Policy goals may be met as the information obtained through the GST system provides an option for the government to implement data-informed decisions.
  • Improved Governance: With the use of evidence for policy decisions, the need to assume mainly promotes better governance as policies are not based on sentiments or any other bias.
  • Reduced Duplications For those Taxpayers who have submitted their taxes and those people entirely within the GST ecosystem, it renders tax disputes almost impossible as the system manages such conflicts internally, and for most, it eliminates it in the first place. A few of the advantages include:
  • Hard-Locking Feature: With the introduction of the hard-locking feature with the GST system, there are no longer disagreements regarding data as once a return is made documents related to it are practically locked.
  • Clarity and Transparency: The current GST regime on the other hand has clearer policies, lowers the chances of misinterpretations and confrontations.
  • Smooth Tax Filing Process: Filing disputes is also made very unlikely because of simple return forms and automation that smoothes the tax filing process.

To summarize, the GST regime has been very instrumental to government functions due to increased revenue, improved data management and reduced disputes. All these have made the taxation system more efficient and more effective which has in return enhanced development of the economy. 

Extended Benefits of the GST regime 

1. Solitary Return Form 

Another key benefit of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime is the availability of a solitary return form, which is referred to as the GST RET-1. It is a single return form that replaces the multiple forms that were being submitted in the previous indirect taxation system. 

  • Easy to File: The solitary return form enables taxpayers fill their tax return after a long duration since a number of returns are combined into a single one. 
  • Easier to Make an Accurate Return: The GST regime more or less has reduced the chance of confusion and making wrong returns in filling since it has brought everything under one form. 

2. 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for invoice uploading. 

The taxpayer under the GST regime are not limited to normal working hours in the day in uploading of their invoices. This is very important since suppliers can upload invoices without waiting time for them to meet certain deadlines. 

  • More Uploads: Taxpayer will benefit more from this feature with lots of uploading than what was available before since they can upload their invoices instantly after they have been issued.
  • Monthly/Quarterly Deadlines: Despite the convenience that comes with filing invoices, the customs can only allow submission of monthly or quarterly returns by the tax payers, within the period set aside by the authorities.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Taxpayers need not worry about submitting their invoices offline with the system enabling real-time visibility on the level of outstanding invoices submitted or uploaded.

3. Amendment Returns

The GST policy is quite unique in that taxpayers are given the opportunity to send amendment returns that highlight missing or erroneous information that may have been submitted in the original returns.

  • Correct Errors/Omissions: As a means of avoiding late penalties and interest charges, taxpayers are able to utilize amendment returns which are rather simple, to correct mistakes in their returns.
  • Easy Corrections: There are no elaborate requirements and procedures involved when filing for amendment returns, making it pretty commonsensical for the tax payers to make the necessary changes.
  • Accurate Returns: The GST system allows taxpayers to modify any changes to their original returns and hence it seeks to guarantee that all returns filed on the taxation, are reconciled.

4. Real-Time Tracking

Such features are embedded in the Online GST Portal which allows compliance taxpayers to monitor their returns in real-time and also check other statuses including filings, processes and amendments, if any are made to those returns or issues arise.

  • Return Status: Taxpayers are kept up to date on the status of the progress of their returns and are able to anticipate on time in case there are hitches or systems issues.
  • Corrections: When a taxpayer has to amend a mistake on their return, they can always follow the progress of the necessary corrections and changes so that they are made in a timely manner.
  • Transparency: With the help of real-time tracking purposes, feature tracking helps increase accountability as there is complete knowledge on the returns, the status of tax returns, and the official actions performed by the tax authority.

5. Electronic Communication

The GST regime Contact between the taxpayers and the tax authorities has changed and is done electronically: the sending of notices and orders and issuing certificates has been computerized.

  • Electronic Communication: The use of telecom media is time saving as it alleviates the amount of documents needed and increases the efficiency of the communication process.
  • Efficient Communication: The issuing and taking of notices, orders and certificates is done electronically enabling smooth communication channels without lag time.
  • Faster Communication: Due to the strategy of interface, the turnaround time for receiving feedback from the taxpayers and the tax communication thus communicating back to them is reduced considerably, the electronic means eases the task.

Impact of GST Regime On Businesses

1. Enhanced Efficiency

Businesses in India have greatly benefited as a result of the GST regime. It has:

  • Reoriented Processes: The automated systems and simplified return forms have cut back on the paperwork and made activities in businesses more efficient.
  • Made Compliance Easier: Businesses have been able to spend less time and resources on tax compliance.
  • Facilitated Business Expansion: Businesses may concentrate more on their primary activities and future growth plans since the tax compliance requirements have been lowered.

2. Enhanced Compliance

The GST regime has also brought about enhanced compliance with businesses:

  • Reduced Errors: The levels of errors in the tax returns have been minimized due to easy return forms and automated data entry.
  • Correct Returns: The likelihood of return errors that may attract penalties and interest charges is reduced due to the GST regime.
  • Reducing Discrepancies: Data auto-population and hard-lock features have greatly reduced the differences between the taxes that businesses claim to have paid and the taxes that tax authorities possess records of.

3. Improved Financial Management

The GST regime has granted businesses improved financial management mechanisms:

  • Real-time Overview: Corporates have a real time outlook of tax obligations and credits which enables them to manage their finances wisely.
  • Cash Flow Efficiency: The GST system allows us business organizations to prepare and manage their cash flows more efficiently and thus minimize the chances of liquidity shocks.
  • Financial Management: Availability of such information enables business organizations to improve their financial management.

4. Competitiveness

An important aspect of the GST system is that it has rendered Indian businesses more competitive:

  • Lowered costs of Tax Compliance: Its’s always been a trade-off between the costs of compliance and the burden of taxes but with the adoption of the GST, the burden has gone down greatly.
  • Increased Global Competitiveness: The Indian GST has sought to create a unified tax structure in India which allows for ease of doing business for Indian organizations in the global marketplace.
  • Improved Business Climate: The cumulative effect of the system of GST within the economy of India has been able to foster and promote a better environment for business within India.

To summarize, it can be easily observed that Indian businesses have seen the benefits of the GST regime including increased efficiency, increased ease of compliance, better financial management and competitiveness. These benefits have facilitated the ease of conducting business in India and fostered the economic development of India.

Benefits of the GST Regime for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). 

1. Ease of Compliance.

For Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the most noticeable improvement under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime is the lowering of the burden of compliance:

  • Reduced Complexity: The GST regime has replaced the existing regime’s forms with a single return form, GST RET-1. This development eliminates the crisis of complexity, which also comes with errors.
  • Auto Population: GSTR-1 and GSTR-2 details on supplies are automatically entered in the system which allows for reduction in the amount of information being manually entered in the system thus saving time.
  • Filing is Complete Optimally Faster: The added convenience of automation means SMEs are able to complete their returns within a reasonable amount of time which in the long run reduces the amount of compliance burden.

2. Less Burden.

SMEs have also been able to enjoy some relief under GST:

  • Less Manual Activity – Paperwork: Due to the reduction of manual activities under the external environment, SMEs can dedicate little time in completion of paperwork and shift their focus to their internal business processes leading to enhanced growth of the business.
  • Less Chances of Errors: The automated features of the easy system along with returns have lowered the risks of tax penalties and charges for interest due to errors on submitted returns.
  • Accurate Returns: The GST regime ensures that the GST filings by SMEs are correct, which can enhance their image and enhance their credibility.

3. Increased Cash Flow 

Cash flow has also been improved for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) due to the GST regime: 

  • Real Time Understanding: Using the GST portal, SMEs can view their tax liabilities and tax credits at any time. This helps in planning their financial matters appropriately. 
  • Effective Cash Flow Control: Real time view of tax payable and tax credit helps SMEs in better working capital management and cash flow planning. 
  • Financial Decisions: SMEs are more likely to make better financial decisions such as timing of investment, hiring, or business expansion with better control of information, which is delivered in a timely manner. 

Overall, many benefits have been achieved through the SME access to the GST regime, better compliance, and workloads, and cash flows. These benefits have eased the business operations of SMEs in India and have further helped towards the growth of the economy.

GST Regime: Advantages for Big Business

1. Easified Processes

The Goods and Services tax or in short, the GST has eased certain processes for large firms. Here are how some files their outcomes has been achieved:

  • Timely Filing: The greater efficiency in the filing of returns and less complex return forms which are partially automated allows large companies to complete their filing in shorter time thereby more or less reducing costs associated with meeting tax obligations.
  • Less Chances of Disallowances: This has also resulted in minimizing risk of disallowance of correct because of inaccuracies in the return thus minimizing possible penalties and even interest.
  • Valid Returns: The system also guarantees that large businesses do file their returns correctly bringing more credibility to their business.

2. Improved Analytics

Other than that, the GST regime has granted large firms more capabilities in terms of analytics:

  • Operating Figures: It is now possible to monitor performance towards tax collection as well as compliance and many other figures in real time through the GST portal thus the large players are now better positioned.
  • Data-Based Decisions: The analysis should be systematic and relative to the overall objectives of the organization, in such orientation towards targets calculating expectations on the performance placed further in support behind the objectives of the data from the GST should grocery large enterprises in executing better planning processes as well.
  • Business Strategy: The possibility of such target orientation will enable large organizations a clear strategy over the competition.

3. Enhanced level of conformity 

 The regime has improved levels of tax compliance among large businesses and has been characterized by: 

  • Decreased Gaps: Through the hard-locking feature and also the auto population of data gaps between returns submitted and information at the tax authorities has reduced for large businesses.
  • Biased Returns: Under the GST regime the likelihood of tax returns from large businesses being biased is minimized thereby reducing the risk of sanctions and interest charges. 
  • Minimised Conflicts: The streamlined and automated features have also minimised chances of conflicts between large businesses and the tax offices. On the whole the economy has been favourably affected by large businesses being able to operate more efficiently in India. 

Among the numerous advantages that are available TO large businesses because of the introduction of the GST regime are simplified processes, better data and improved levels of tax compliance.

Comparison with Other Countries 

Country Similarities/Differences
United States Uses a modular approach, with separate forms for different taxes.
United Kingdom Employs a real-time VAT return filing system.
Germany Has an automated VAT return filing process.
Japan Uses an electronic filing system with auto-population features.

Timeline for Implementation of Revamped GST Return System

Phase Implementation Date Features
Pilot Launch January 2025 Testing and refining the system
Phase 1 April 2025 Rollout for small taxpayers
Phase 2 July 2025 Rollout for large taxpayers
Full Rollout October 2025 Complete implementation

Case Studies: How the GST System Has Changed Things.

Case 1: Fewer Revisions Within A Designated Time Frame

Scenario: In Hyderabad, India, a small business owner had previously arguments while filling in their monthly returns under the former indirect taxation system. They usually could not avoid filing revisions due to the presence of mistakes or omissions.

Impact: This taxpayer found it so easy to file for their returns after the GST regime was designed and put into application. Here, the computerized return forms, data entries and auto-inventions assisted greatly in missing the filing of revisions.

Benefit: The hard-locking feature of the GST regime has completely disallowed this taxpayer from altering any filed returns. This ensured that the filed returns were accurate, complete and time was saved. The risk exposure to penalties was also reduced.

Case 2: The Blessing of Auto-Population

Scenario: A manufacturing firm based in Mumbai, India was engaging in monthly return requirements with the previous indirect taxation system was the manual input of data in the system which was not effective. The time taken to complete this task was rather extensive.

Impact: Under the GST regime with effect from 1st July 2017, data related to outward supplies GSTR-1 and inward supplies GSTR-2 was populated in GSTR-3B return. This rendered manual data entry that consumes time to perform and likely to make errors more unlikely.

Benefit: Auto-population was beneficial to the manufacturing company as it saved them time and resources that would have otherwise been wasted. Their return filing was also improved in terms of accuracy and chances of audits and penalties were minimal.

Case 3: Real Time Visibility

Scenario: The provider of services based in Delhi India managed string cash flows in the absence of being informed on time about their tax payables and credits available to them.

Impact: Under the GST regime, such service provider was able to easily track their tutorial credit available and liaibility sthey owed throguh their GST portal and making payments for taxes and applications for refunds. This, in essence, helped them in managing their cash-flow and other aspects wisely.  

Benefit: Proper management of cash-flow assisted the service provider in avoiding penalties and taking advantage of opportunities which improved their overall financial position.

Case 4: Strengthened Customer Protection Case area: A small size retailer firm situated in Chennai

Impact: The GST regime introduced GST RET-1 as a simplified return form so that the retailer could file their returns with ease. Other than that, all features of the system that were automated features fin system also contributed to the reduction of time and effort on the tasks.

Benefit: Many small entrepreneurs and retailers were able to afford a simplified filing that meant they could devote less time to tax compliance and concentrate more in the growth of the business. It also minimized the chances of making mistakes or incurring penalties as a result of tax compliance.

Case 5: Tax Disputes reduced Scenario: A large scale manufacturing firm with headquarters in Bengaluru

Impact: The GST system, given its simplified procedures and less ambiguity, has played a major role in minimizing recurrent disputes between the manufacturing company and tax authorities.

Benefit: Lower level of disputes have helped the manufacturing company save their resources, time and stress. It has also enhanced their engagement with tax authorities and established a favorable business environment.

Case 6: Cash Flow Swings

Scenario: An export trader based in Kolkata, India, was unable to manage cash flow after they had balances outstanding owed to them on account of export tax refunds.

Impact: Cash flow was boosted by the introduction of a more effective mechanism for the claiming and disbursement of refunds in the GST regime.

Benefit: The improved cash flow boosted further investments in business, more employment, and expansion of business activities.

Case 7: Better Audit Trail

Scenario: There was a trading company in Hyderabad, India which used to fear the chances of audits and investigations under the old or previous indirect tax regime.

Impact: The GST regime was able to provide a more functional audit trail which tracks returns and their amendments and revisions. This allows for more accountability and openness and diminishes chances of audits.

Benefit: The penetration of a more robust audit trail allows businesses to present compliance records and get around the penalties on firms.

 Expert Views on the Introduction of a Hard Lock on GSTR-3B Submission

Some of the experts’ divergence of views on this subject 

 Some Positive Aspects

  •  Reduction in Compliance Costs and Conflicts: A hard lock is believed to considerably decrease errors and disputes in GSTR-3B filings, which is currently undesirable in the GST. The status of their returns filed shall not be changed by taxpayers due to the placement of the hard lock to ensure that returns are complete and correct. This can, therefore, help to ease the compliance burden of taxpayers and the authorities, while increasing the efficiency of the overall GST system.
  •  Enhanced Wilful Tax Payment: The blocking feature does not only bring order but also a higher level of control making it harder for a taxpayer to obviate tax liabilities or misrepresent their returns. This can assist in augmenting government revenues and maintaining fairness in the tax system.
  • Data Preservation: Hard locking does, indeed, safeguard the quality of the GST data which is very important for tax management and policymaking; Without Quality Data, the government would be unable to make sound choices regarding economic planning and tax reform.

 Potential Challenges

  •  Increased Burden on Taxpayers: Some experts are apprehensive that the system of hard locking may worsen tax liability on the tax bearers as they will be more sensitive on their claiming when filing returns so as to avoid making errors. If a taxpayer is not able to file their returns accurately the first time, they are likely to incur a penalty or an interest fee.
  • Limited Flexibility: Hard locking may also constrain the ability of a taxpayer to improve or amend their prior filing so long as the time has not expired. For instance, even if the taxpayer knows that there is a mistake in his return once it is lodged, he is likely to be restricted from making any amend.
  •  Technical Difficulties: There could also be form of technical problems that may arise in the course of hard locking which may interfere with the normal flow of filing GST. For instance, some implementing software and hardware to hard locking may fail to work and cause inefficiencies in time or accuracy.

 Expert Opinions

  • Pratik Jain, Partner PwC: “In this regard, the introduction of the system of hard locking can be viewed as a step in the right direction aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of the filling GSTR-3B.” Jain believes that the challenges of hard locking are far overshadowed by its merits.
  •  Saurabh Agarwal, Partner, EY: “Absolutely, even though hard locking may at first be somewhat inconvenient to taxpayers, the positive outcomes regarding the minimisation of mistakes and enhanced compliance is definitely worth the trade-off.” This is one of the areas that Agarwal sees as “concerns” but which he believes overall advantages of hard locking are to the taxpayers.

As such, there is room for optimism that the introduction of hard locking for GSTR-3B filling will go a long way in boosting the Indian GST system. So should these challenges come up at the start before such hard lock is established, it is not hard to argue that the upside regarding the lowering of errors, issues, or threats to compliance and safety of data will compensate any downside. The last sentence however cautions that hard locking will not easily be implemented and that issues surrounding it should be vetted.

Challenges and Concerns:

 Apart from advantages of the redesigned GST return filing system, some taxpayers and practitioners have raised the following issues:

  • Training and Support: There is a possibility that many taxpayers may not understand the intricacies of the GST system and hence training and support will help. Tax administrators and professional tax practitioners must set out the framework Guidelines, training sessions and materials to ensure taxpayers are knowledgeable enough to comply with the requirements timely and efficiently. It is also likely that such issues will be resolved over time due to repeated webinars and Q& A sessions which are aimed at addressing the most trivial issues.
  • Complexity: For some taxpayers, especially those not accustomed to digital platforms or tax compliance, the new GST filing system can be quite a task. Because of the multiple returns, in-put tax claims, and other forms, it gets hard for some individuals to cope with such tasks, maximum being the small businessmen who possess low levels of book knowledge. Such tendencies could improve with a re-designing of the user interface and a guided procedure on the processes involved.

Read More : Simplification of TDS/TCS Credit Claims for Salaried Employees and Minors-invoice 


The redesigned Goods and Services Tax (GST) return system significantly enhances compliance by introducing a more intuitive framework. This updated system minimizes errors through automated data validations and user-friendly interfaces, which guide taxpayers in accurately completing their returns. Additionally, it fosters greater transparency by allowing real-time tracking of transactions, ensuring that both taxpayers and authorities can monitor compliance levels effectively.

Despite these improvements, there are still valid concerns regarding the adaptation to this new system. Common issues such as technological barriers, lack of awareness, and resistance to change among certain taxpayer segments persist. To address these challenges, adequate planning and phased implementation are critical. Taxpayer education programs, including workshops, e-learning modules, and helplines, will play an essential role in easing the transition and ensuring that taxpayers are well-equipped to understand and navigate the new processes.

Furthermore, as India gradually incorporates global best practices in tax administration, enhancements to the GST filing system will continue to evolve. Innovations like enhanced data analytics, artificial intelligence for error detection, and mobile applications for easier submission are expected to streamline the process further. This evolution aims to make GST compliance more user-centric and accessible, ultimately simplifying the entire filing experience to better meet the diverse needs of taxpayers across the country. Over time, these efforts will contribute to a more efficient tax system that not only supports revenue generation for the government but also promotes a fair and conducive environment for businesses and individuals alike.


1. What is the effective date of the revamped GST return system?

Answer: The effective date of the revamped GST return system is January 2025.

2. How will hard-locking be a benefit to the taxpayers?

Answer: Restricts revisions, and therefore ensures compliance.

3. Will manual errors in auto population be an issue?

Answer: No, and in fact will reduce the number.

4. How will up-to-date information assist the taxpayers that are interacting with real-time visibility?

Answer : Provides timely updates thus allows to make the appropriate decision.

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Saeeda Nausheen Freelance Writer
I am Saeeda Nausheen, a seasoned content writer who loves to write about GST finance, marketing, and accounting. Over the years, I've gained valuable experience, bringing a mix of insight and creativity to my writing. It's my passion to make these topics engaging and accessible.

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